The Novel Cafe welcomes.....Milly Johnson
Today I am thrilled to have Milly Johnson join me at The Novel Café to answer a few questions. Milly has taken the time to tell us about her life as an author and her latest book, so thank you to Milly and I hope you all enjoy!
1. If you could sum up all your books in 5 words what would they
Uplifting, warm, down-to-earth, emotional, tales of real women
2. Have you got a personal favourite of all your novels?
They’re like my children – it would be very hard of me to
choose, BUT I SO enjoyed writing ‘Here Come The Girls’
3. You have written an outstanding 9 books! Does it get harder
every time to think of new characters and story lines?
Not really, I never have shortage of ideas or characters.
The difficulty is trying to make each book different from the others whilst
keeping the same ‘flavour’
4. What/where is your perfect setting/situation/place to do your
My office, complete silence and lots of strong coffee on tap.
5. Do you read as much as you write?
It’s important that writers read. I can’t see how you can
write and NOT read. I am an avid reader and have a couple of books on the
go at the same time depending on which mood I’m in. I have just finished the
new Bridget Jones and am bereft, the way you should be after a great book.
6. Tell us a little about your latest book, 'It’s raining men'
It’s about 3 over-worked career women who go on a luxurious spa
holiday only to end up in a cottage in a back-of-beyond village instead.
There they are forced to stop and smell the roses and find out, given some
perspective, that their lives back home aren’t as perfect as they think they
are. Their lives change forever in the little seaside village of Ren
Dullem. It’s a little different from my other books, more touched with
the fairy-tale pen, and I’ve wanted to write it for years.
7. If it was 'raining men' which 3 men would you like to fall
out the sky?
Joe Manganiello (True Blood) Hugh Jackman and Russell
Crowe. Or just Hugh Jackman three times.
8. When shall we expect book 10?
June 2014 – if I get my finger out.
A few random questions...
If you could be one Disney Character who would it be and why?
Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She’s a big reader and I
love her swishy hair.
Strictly come dancing or X Factor?
Must confess I do love the first few weeks of X factor for the
comedy value but I want to be ON Strictly.
If you could travel one place in the world where would it be?
I’d like to go to the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.
Gary Barlow or Robbie Williams?
Gary – all the way.
Buy Milly's latest book on Amazon
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